Concussion Management at Pure Motion

At Pure Motion Centre, we have physiotherapists and chiropractors who are CCMI-certified* and trained in concussion baseline testing, acute concussion assessment and treatment, and chronic concussion assessment and treatment.

We are further supported by a talented group of advanced massage therapists and movement specialists, who assist in offering additional techniques and approaches for comprehensive and holistic care.


The approaches that may be used in your treatment can include:

  • Proprioceptive-Deep Tendon Reflex – a system that helps correct information entering the brain and nervous system to produce an optimized motor and sensory response
  • NeuroKinetic Therapy – a movement patterning technique that balances muscle activation and corrects movement inefficiencies
  • Craniosacral Therapy – a subtle manual technique that helps improvement central nervous system operation
  • Contemporary Medical Acupuncture – a neurofunctional approach to restoring muscle and nervous system function
  • Visual and Vestibular Rehabilitation – includes strategies to train vision and balance

The best strategy involves individualized care that is tailored to the demands of your life. We would love the opportunity to help you move beyond your limits and participate in the life that you love. If you have any questions about what to do next, please give us a call at (416) 901-7873 or email us at We would love to help!

*Complete Concussion Management Inc

Concussion Information*

*This information is a summary of the information provided by Concussions Ontario, ONF, Sunnybrook, Holland Bloorview, Parachute, and Complete Concussions.

What is a Concussion?

  • A concussion is a mild form of brain injury that can affect how the brain and body work
  • Concussion is caused by a significant impact to the head or body that results in your brain moving back and forth inside the skull
    • One common misconception is that someone must be hit in the head to cause a concussion; however, a significant enough hit to the body may cause a whiplash effect and result in enough force to the brain to cause a concussion. 
  • You do not need to lose consciousness to have sustained a concussion

What are the Experienced Symptoms and Visual Signs of Concussion?


Symptoms are the things that the person who has sustained the concussion injury experiences. Symptoms can appear immediately or, in some cases, days following the initial injury. Symptoms fall under four categories and are summarized in the infographic below:


Visual signs of a concussion are things that other people can see. If you see any of these signs after a person has an impact to the head or body, you should suspect that this person may have a concussion and should have this person seek medical attention. 

Signs may include:

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Lying motionless 
  • Disorientation or inability to respond to questions
  • Blank or vacant stare
  • Balance, slowed movement, stumbling or incoordination
  • Clutching head
  • Slow to get up after a hit to the head or body

Red Flags

If any red flags are present, call 911 right away as these are signs of a potentially more serious injury.

  • Neck pain or tenderness
  • Double vision
  • Weakness or tingling in arms or legs
  • Severe or increasing headache
  • Seizure or convulsion
  • Loss of consciousness (knocked out)
  • Deteriorating conscious state
  • Vomiting more than once
  • Increasingly restless, agitated or combative
  • Growing confusion

What to do if you suspect a concussion?

If you think you or someone else has sustained a concussion, you should:

  • Immediately stop/remove yourself/the person from the activity you were doing when the concussion happened. This is vital in order to not prolong your recovery as well as to make sure you are not putting yourself at risk for another, more severe injury.
  • Seek medical advice/attention immediately. It is important that people with suspected concussion receive a proper neurological evaluation and management advice as soon as possible following a possible concussion as this determine whether you have a more severe injury as well as significantly impact recovery.
    • Concussions are difficult to diagnose because 1) symptoms may not be present immediately following an impact, 2) the symptoms are like those of other common injuries such as whiplash, and 3) concussion cannot be detected by MRI or other brain scans
  • Physical and cognitive rest is recommended for the first 24-48 hours
    • The concussed person does not need to be woken up every hour
  • The infographic below is a summary of the Do’s and Don’ts following a concussion:

What is the Treatment for Concussion?

  • When you see a medical professional to diagnose concussion immediately after your injury, they will often provide instructions on how to manage your concussion and what next steps to take
  • Besides seeking medical attention immediately after your injury, you should also see your primary healthcare provider or an experienced concussion expert 1-2 weeks after your diagnosis to see how you’re progressing.
  • They will provide more detailed instructions as to how to gradually increase your mental and physical activity and return to work/sports/school/etc. 
  • This rehabilitation plan will be specific to you and determined by your primary healthcare provider
  • Your primary healthcare provider might work with other healthcare providers or refer you to a concussion clinic. 
    • Concussion clinics should have a variety of health care providers who can help you work towards recovery so that you can return to the things you love to do and need to do. 
    • Here are some of the different healthcare providers who practice in concussion clinics and the roles they play:
      • Medical treatment decisions and clearance: Medical doctor (e.g., family doctor, neurologist, sports medicine doctor), Nurse practitioner, or Neuropsychologist
      • Physical treatment: Physiotherapist, Vestibular therapist, Chiropractor, Registered massage therapist, optometrist 
      • Functional, cognitive, and emotional support: Occupational therapist, Social worker, Neuropsychologist/psychologist, Speech-language pathologist
  • The chart belows shows the Concussion Care Pathway which outlines who you should see for concussion and when you should see them:

How Long Will it Take to Feel Better Following Concussion?

  • The majority of people who sustain a concussion begin to feel better and symptoms are alleviated within 1-4 weeks. 
  • There is a small percentage of the population whose symptoms can persist for months or longer. This is called post-concussion syndrome (PCS).
  • If symptoms persist, it is important to see a medical professional for follow-up and monitoring.
  • Your recovery may take longer if you:
  • are an older adult or teenager
  • are female
  • return to work, school, or exercise too quickly
  • have had a concussion before
  • have a history of migraine, depression, or anxiety
  • have a history of sleep difficulties
  • show signs of vestibular and/or visual problems (e.g., blurred vision, dizziness, difficulty focusing, motion sensitivity)

When Can I Go Back to Work/Activity Following Concussion?

What is Second Impact Syndrome Following Concussion?

  • Second impact syndrome is a rare condition in which a second impact to the head/brain occurs before the first concussion has properly healed. 
  • When a second impact is sustained, it may lead to severe swelling of the brain. Although it is an extremely rare condition, it is often fatal.
  • It has occurred primarily in younger athletes injured during play. 
  • This is one of the reasons (of many) as to why it is so important to remove yourself from activity and seek medical attention.

Further Resources

General Concussion Resources:

Adult Concussion Resources

Pediatric Concussion Resources

Professional Concussion Resources